Electoral reform is an integral element of the portfolio of aims published by the YDM (Yorkshire Devolution Movement) and adopted by the YPF (Yorkshire Popular Front), in pursuit of equitable representation and genuine subsidiarity.
Unfortunately any progress has been stalled by the current UK Government’s introduction of the catastrophic Elections Bill and related legislation, which is an assault on; human rights, our democracy, civil liberties and freedoms; so dangerous that hitherto disparate groups are forming coalitions to oppose these reactionary measures. One such coalition to protect human rights and judicial review consists of more than 230 organisations and counting.
Despite the launch of this feudal war on the people by the so-called political elite, we refuse to be distracted from our progressive reforms which those suffering from hubris syndrome fear most.
An area we have so far failed to address effectively, is how to ensure elected representatives (particularly career politicians) can be encouraged to comply with what amounts to the public servant’s job description and we would welcome any constructive dialogue on the matter, certainly accountability and scrutiny must play a part.
10-02-2022 – Does proportional representation lead to higher turnout? – Dylan Difford, Electoral Reform Society.
17-12-2021 – Committee to extend consultation period for Code of Conduct report – Committee on Standards
15-12-2021 – Does First Past the Post stop extremists getting into parliaments? – Dylan Difford, Electoral Reform Society.
07-12-2021 – Levelling Down: First Past the Post’s impact on regional inequality – Dylan Difford, Electoral Reform Society.
03-09-2021 – Barriers to entry: How do electoral thresholds work? – Dylan Difford, Electoral Reform Society.
11-01-2019 – How long have we used first past the post? – Doug Cowan, Electoral Reform Society.
26-12-2018 – Which European countries use proportional representation? – Michela Palese, Electoral Reform Society.