On Thursday 4 May 2023, local elections are taking place across England. To vote at a polling station, you will need to bring photo ID. – Electoral Commission
Leading UK civil society groups have united to challenge plans to block those without ID from voting, in a landmark joint statement.
Dr Jess Garland, Director of Policy and Research, Electoral Reform Society
Dennis Reed Director Silver Voices
Nancy Kelley, CEO, Stonewall
Lord Simon Woolley, Founder and Director, Operation Black Vote
Kyle Taylor, Founder and Director, Fair Vote UK
Ibtisam Ahmed, Policy and Research Manager, LGBT Foundation
Professor Matt Henn, Chair of Social Research, Nottingham Trent University
Sam Grant, Head of Policy and Campaigns, Liberty
Cara English, Head of Public Engagement, Gendered Intelligence
Patricia Stapleton, Policy Manager, Traveller Movement
Isobel Ingham-Barrow, Head of Policy, MEND
Tim Hughes, Director, Involve
Nick Lowles, CEO, HOPE not hate
Larissa Kennedy, President, National Union of Students (NUS)
Mete Coban MBE, Chief Executive, My Life My Say
Jo Hobbs, CEO, British Youth Council
Dorian Leatham, CEO, Migrants’ Rights Network
Klina Jordan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Make Votes Matter
- The signatories list is not an exhaustive list of organizations, seeking to oppose the divisive government policy.
See also – It was highlighted by this website, under the Elections Bill heading, in the article The peasants are revolting!
Further background material/articles can be located by entering “Voter ID” as a search criteria on the Electoral Commission, Electoral Reform Society, Liberty and other similar organizations websites.